August 16, 2024

Free Fishing Course: How To Catch Speckled Trout In Current


If you enjoyed this free fishing course, then please consider the nuclear-grade, full-length courses inside my membership, LAFB Elite. If you do choose to join, then please use code EF30 to get 30% off!

If you have any questions concerning the content inside this free fishing course, then please post them below. Comments on my website are what I have time to respond to first!

Who is this free fishing course for?

If you’re not catching fish when everyone else is, it could be because you’re not using the knowledge and techniques taught in the video above.

I’ve spent a good deal of time catching speckled trout across Louisiana’s coast, and there’s something I’ve seen over the years that I find shocking: most people get on speckled trout but don’t catch them.

This is especially the case in deeper water, but also when I see them fishing shallow. They just screw it up.

But what are they screwing up? Well, there’s two things in particular and that’s what this video reveals! Watch and see if you’ve done one of these two things and, if so, then you’ll see how to fix them.

Who is the guy in the video above?

First, let me introduce myself: My name is Devin. I’m a former fishing guide and today I make my living teaching people how to fish Louisiana’s coast for speckled trout and redfish in my membership, LAFB Elite.

devin and friend 25 speckled trout

If you’d like to learn more about me then consider visiting my About page and, if you’d like to learn more about my courses and community, then consider watching this video.

Moving on: What you are watching here is a free fishing course that was once hosted in LAFB Elite — where it was called Elements of Effective Fishing — but it has been updated and formatted for public viewing here on my blog and on YouTube.

I just think those two are probably better places for this thing to benefit as many anglers as possible.

So, with that out of the way, let’s get back to those two mistakes: What are they, and how do they keep people from catching speckled trout, even when they’re casting to them?

Mistake #1 -No Good Presentations

The first mistake is not giving a good presentation to the fish. If the fish cannot see your lure, they cannot bite it. It’s that simple.

This basic graphic details what I mean. The angler is casting to the fish, but his lure is getting swept back by the current.

Lure Glides Off Target 900

The obvious problem is that he’s not catching the fish, but the next problem is that he’s not sure if there’s even fish there to begin with.

He could leave for the next fishing spot without ever knowing that he was on speckled trout in the first place! That would be a disaster!

Mistake #2 - Not Covering Water

The second mistake is not covering water. Many people trying to catch specks and reds simply spend too much time in one, two or three spots and never find the mother lode of fish.

  • So how can you get good presentations on fish?
  • How can you know if a spot is productive or not?
  • How can you know when to leave, or when to stay?
  • What tools do you need to accomplish this?

These sticking points and more are what this free fishing course addresses. If you can watch the above video all the way through, then you will come out the other side a better inshore angler!

If you have any questions or something to add, then please use the comments section below. It’s great when people take time to comment on my website.

Thank you for taking this free fishing course. I hope it helps you catch speckled trout and redfish on your next fishing trip, and that you see the value in joining my membership. We’d love to have you!

Knowledge Gained Is Priceless

My experience was excellent, I found that the knowledge gained in Inshore Fishing 101 is priceless. I found that a lot of the things I thought I knew were not what I thought I knew. This course has expanded my knowledge and has already honed some of my skills.

I am forever grateful for finding LAFB and for joining LAFB Elite.

Devin, I can honestly say there is nothing in this course I dislike.

I made it through the course in 3 days watching all videos and webinars. I live in Greensburg Louisiana and managed to make a run to the Long Rocks to check out the action Wednesday, this within the 3 days it took me to get through 101.

To do everything I've done in the last three days and manage to make it through this course means it had my unconditional attention. Thank you so much for the knowledge!

Colin Bamber

Learned What I Needed To Know

One think I loved discovering inside Inshore Fishing 101 are the various tips and tricks to using Google Earth Desktop to find fishing spots.

I have used it a lot in the past but applying it the way Captain Devin demonstrates is great. I also loved the instruction on bait presentation and how to set up on a spot.

Jacob Ridgedell

In a word: GREAT!

I learned that I couldn't see the marsh for the bayou. What I mean by that is I was unknowingly doing a lot of things wrong with poor results and just chalked it up to a bad day of fishing. Devin presents a ton of concepts that the average fisherman either overlooks, isn't executing properly or is flat out ignorant of.

Inshore Fishing 101 isn't just a bunch of random tips! It is an intricate web of interconnected actions, equipment, locations, biology, conditions, techniques, technology, and experience that come together to give you the best chance of filling the box with fish on a consistent basis.

He shows how simple it is: you don't need a 24 ft bay boat, you don't need 500 different color lures, you don't need the most expensive gear, all you need to is a rod, a reel a lure and a little moving water, clean water and lots of bait in the area.

Randy Ahrabi

Captain Devin

About the Author

Devin is a former fishing guide and lifelong inshore angler. He founded Louisiana Fishing Blog in 2012 to share his ideas as a charter captain and still writes in it today. Since then he's created a fishing university — LAFB Elite — where he teaches inshore anglers how to safely navigate Louisiana's coast and catch more fish.

  • Thank you, Jason. I appreciate you! I strongly recommend starting with Inshore Fishing 101. It’s a lot, but worth the effort.

    After that, be sure to check out the Community for the latest fishing reports, and be sure to give us a heads up when planning your next fishing trip. Chances are we can give you some good intel on fishing spots and safe routes so you have a safe and productive trip. If you’ve completed 101 then you’ll know the lingo we use.

    Anyone else wanting to learn more about the benefits of LAFB Elite can do so at this video here:

  • Holy smokes this is packed full of great information. You are a great teacher. I’ve watched all your videos and this one has convinced me to join LAFB Elite. Thank you for taking the time to help others become better anglers. I also really appreciate your thoughts and ideas on conservation.

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