October 25, 2020

Locate Grass Beds In Lake Pontchartrain Using Sonar

Beds of eel grass make for prime speckled trout fishing in Lake Pontchartrain. But how do you know where they are? Here's a few tips.

Fall fishing in Lake Pontchartrain can be really good, and while most people tend to think of the bridges when they think of the lake's legendary fishing, the various grass beds are another hot item as well.

Why are Lake Pontchartrain's grass beds so good?

When speckled trout are spawning during the summer they do so "outside" of the marsh where there's saltier water.

This is why we don't really find a lot of speckled trout in Lake Pontchartrain during the summer months, because her salinity is too low.

Maps like the one produced by Hydrocoast show just how salty she is (or isn't).

lake pontchartrain salinity  grass beds speckled trout

But, once the spawn is over, salinity is no longer a requirement and speckled trout head "inside" the marsh to feed in preparation for winter.

Once they do, you can expect them to populate bait-laden hot spots, with grass beds being one of them.

How good can fishing the grass beds be?

Pretty darned good! See for yourself in this video:

But not just any grass...

There are many types of aquatic grass we find throughout Louisiana's coast, with the more common type being milfoil and widgeon grass.

These types of grass tend to choke out the entire water column like what you see in redfish ponds, but not eel grass.

Eel grass, also called turtle grass or shoal grass, does not grow to the water's surface, leaving plenty of real estate for speckled trout to prowl looking for bait like mullet, mehaden (aka "pogies) and – an absolute favorite – shrimp!

How can we find beds of eel grass in Lake Pontchartrain?

There are more ways than one: First, there's experience, meaning you must get out there and look in the water for yourself.

While this works, it's time consuming and not nearly as effective as other methods.

That and it's difficult to see underwater, even with polarized lenses and good light conditions.

Google Earth Pro is an option, as its historical satellite imagery can you show you where grass beds (of any type) are most likely to be found in the marsh.

Sonar Is An Excellent Tool

Google Earth Pro can get you close, but sonar will zero you in.

After all, any imagery you find on the Internet is old news.

But, if you use sonar while you are fishing you can see exactly where the grass beds are located, revealing where you need to be casting to catch a decent box of speckled trout.

Conventional 2D sonar works to this end, but it's not the best because it only covers a narrow cone directly under your boat.

2d sonar speckled trout grass beds

But, side imaging sonar reveals much more, since it spreads over a wider fan.

side imaging sonar speckled trout grass beds lake pontchartrain

How wide of a fan?

On my Helix 12 I can easily punch out to beyond one hundred feet!

However, side imaging 40-70 feet off each side of the boat is a more practical setting.

Get More Fishing Tips & Know Where To Go

Inside my membership LAFB Elite, inshore anglers learn the process I use to find and catch fish from scratch. You'll find this time-tested practical know-how in the video lessons of Inshore Fishing 101, Fall Fish Location and more.

Additionally, members LAFB Elite get access to the Community, where they can read the latest fishing reports and get feedback on their fishing trips from like-minded anglers.

Wish I Had This Ten Years Ago

Back when I first started fishing 10 years ago I was looking all over for someone teaching something like Captain Devin's Inshore Fishing 101, but there was no one.

I think of the many, many days that my buddy and I were out running around trying to find fish and didn't know what's taught inside 101.

We didn't have a chance.

We didn't understand the conditions, the necessary tackle, the seasonal conditions that required different techniques, etc. But that has all changed now that I've completed Inshore Fishing 101.

It's so much more fun to understand the bigger picture and use a process to find and catch fish! And yes! We catch a boatload more fish!

Michael Schultz

Out of State Angler

Enlightening in so many ways

I love the ability to  take the courses at my own pace, to be able to come back and revisit the info. That's because it's so much to try and digest for someone relatively new to inshore fishing.

The sections on fishing trip planning and execution inside Inshore Fishing 101 are priceless. They have given me so much insight into Captain Devin's thought process, and how to think about inshore fishing in order to find and catch fish.

Chad Gonzales

Jerkbait Specialist

Inshore Fishing 101 transformed my fishing trips!

I grew up fishing Delacroix with my dad from age 8-14. I never understood what we were doing or why, and didn’t think to ask questions. Dad did all the leg work and put us on the fish, I just threw at 'em and reeled 'em in.

Today, Captain Devin's Inshore Fishing 101 helped me learn all the things my dad knew to make those fishing trips happen. I'm able to plan good fishing trips to find 'em and catch 'em.

This is much easier due to Devin's ability to "dumb things down" and make fishing concepts easily understandable.

Now 18 years later we are getting a new boat and getting back on the water. Looking forward to showing Dad what I have learned!

Jeffrey Stewart

Mississippi Angler

Captain Devin

About the Author

Devin is a former fishing guide and lifelong inshore angler. He founded Louisiana Fishing Blog in 2012 to share his ideas as a charter captain and still writes in it today. Since then he's created a fishing university — LAFB Elite — where he teaches inshore anglers how to safely navigate Louisiana's coast and catch more fish.

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  • Yes captain I agree sonar is very important to me I have a Garmin and it helps me a lot to zero in on some awesome spots once I learned how to use it

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

    End The Frustration, Start Getting Results!

    see what these members of my paid courses have to say...

    Devin's courses are easy to watch, and the delivery of each point in his lessons come naturally.

    No one has a course like Inshore Fishing 101 that is more complete when it comes to speckled trout and redfish here in the state of Louisiana.

    Brandon RobichauxRigolets Area Angler

    I've been fishing Lake Pontchartrain since I was a kid and learned a lot inside Inshore Fishing 101.

    What stuck out the most to me was presenting baits to fish. I got skunked many times until I learned how to do it the right way. 

    I love to laugh, so the humor you put in the videos was awesome. 

    It took about two weeks for me to complete Inshore Fishing 101. I've already applied things you taught me and have increased my catch.

    Thank you, Captain Devin!

    Matthew Tamburello
