You've seen the Redfish Jubilee on land, but have you seen it underwater?
Graphing the Redfish Jubilee
If you follow my Facebook group for the latest inshore fishing reports, then you know the Redfish Jubilee has been in full swing.
Folks have been creaming the reds left and right, and not just in Shell Beach!
Delacroix, Grand Isle and Myrtle Grove have been yielding great catches.
What is this 'Jubilee'?
If you're unfamiliar with the term, "Redfish Jubilee" is used to describe the great redfish action that is easily accessible from the bank, no boat required.
You can read more here.
The Jubilee is basically a redfish massacre and requires zero skill to catch, so I wasn't interested in going.
However, I went anyways -- in my boat! But why did I do that?
Revealing Redfish Secrets
I wanted to graph the redfish action on DSI, or Down Scan Image.
If you're not familiar with it, it's basically a function of some "fish finders" and a great tool for inshore anglers.
Anyways, I always imagined there were hundreds of fish present whenever the bite got hot and heavy.
I'd envision hundreds of redfish stacked stacked thick on top of each other during such an event.
Well, that is exactly what I saw on DSI!
So, for comparison, here is what a "ghost town" looks like.

It's devoid of life! There are no fish, as nothing is suspended or even sitting on the bottom. It's just empty water.
But look at this DSI of the Redfish Jubilee in action.

I created this image with highlighted targets just in case you're not familiar with using DSI.

That's a LOT of redfish, folks!
But I learned something...
There was something I witnessed while looking at all those fish packed into the bayou, something that would make anyone scratch their head.
At first it was puzzling, but the more I thought about it, the less "out of place" it seemed.
It's all described, in detail, in this blog post.