January 19, 2025

Winter Speckled Trout Are Found In This Kind of Fishing Spot


Winter speckled trout are great because, unlike during summer, they're extremely close to the dock. In some cases you don't even need a boat to get after a good box of speckled trout. They become easily catchable along stretches of LA-1 in Golden Meadow and similar locations. The same goes for slot redfish, to such an extent that one can enjoy a Redfish Jubilee, like Evan did in his 2018 report pictured below. 

However, this doesn't mean that catching winter speckled trout doesn't come with its challenges. One of those challenges is finding exactly where these fish are biting. While that's a puzzle to solve anytime of the year, what makes this such a challenge is that the best fishing spots tend to be those that fly in the face of conventional inshore fishing knowledge: you must fish where there is moving water.

But not during winter! The best fishing spots for winter speckled trout tend to be those locations that are devoid of current and have some depth to them. "Still deep water" is the term I use to describe these fishing spots.

Why do winter speckled trout seek "still deep water"?

winter speckled trout
It's my theory that when it gets insanely cold fish don't go for just deep water, but deep water that doesn't have a ton of current. How cold? Well, the kind of cold resulting from an arctic blast that freezes water pipes and even precipitates sleet or snow. But, to be more specific, the kind of cold that rapidly drops water temperature into the mid to low 40s.

This will send fish running for the relative security of deep water. I describe such behavior in more detail in this guide about why speckled trout seek deep holes. It makes sense that they would do this because speckled trout can hardly swim when it gets really cold.

In fact, when it gets this cold, most fish become too lethargic to escape shallow water and end up becoming exposed and die as northwest winds blow water out of the marsh. It happens, and you can see pics of it in real life in this article. So it makes sense to me the only place they can position themselves to do anything is in water that isn't moving so fast.

still deep water

The point isn't to fish this exact spot, but to use this as a model for fishing many that are like it in order to zero in on winter speckled trout.

What does this mean for inshore anglers?

Typically, when we are targeting redfish and speckled trout (especially specks!) we focus on tidelines. Finding tidelines on satellite imagery or recognizing them in real life is an essential skill for inshore anglers, but this time I am thinking I should forget the tidelines and focus on where I do not see them.

Go ahead, boot up Google Earth Desktop and show me the tidelines running through the Wall where the green arrow is pointed. You won't find them. That doesn't mean moving water isn't there, it just means I don't see tidelines there.

You know what's another great area to try for winter speckled trout when it gets silly cold? Lakeshore Estates in Slidell. No tidelines there, either -- though there are plenty outside of there. 

no tidelines lakeshore estates

Notice how these spots are sort of like "dead ends" where water moves the least, not unlike dead end canals that can be great to fish. They're not only around walls and docks, either. They exist in the marsh and I know for a fact they turn on when it gets freezing. Here is one near Bayou Biloxi.

Dead End Canal

Interesting, isn't it? This train-of-thought would have me looking hard at the inside of flood gates, like the relatively "new" one in Bayou LaFourche which, coincidentally, is in the same area folks experience great bank fishing along LA-1.

How well has this theory of "still deep water" held up to catch winter speckled trout?

It's held up incredibly well. After the initial publication of this blog post in 2018, I set out to test this theory across Louisiana's coast each time it got really cold. The result? Great boxes of speckled trout!

box of winter speckled trout

It seems to me what anglers deem as "bad" conditions actually set up to be a great opportunity to catch winter speckled trout and redfish. I've applied the same "still deep water" theory to catch 15+ redfish in Hopedale in this YouTube video. It can be as easy as looking at a map to discern where water is deep and not subject to current.

This simple, but oft overlooked, method is the bread and butter of what I teach inside Inshore Fishing 101. Imagine if you and I could sit down to discuss everything I know about inshore fishing. How should you safely navigate the marsh, gauge the predicted conditions and know where to cast a line? That and more is what you will learn inside Inshore Fishing 101 and the rest of my courses available only inside my membership, LAFB Elite.

Inshore Fishing 101 transformed my fishing trips!

I grew up fishing Delacroix with my dad from age 8-14. I never understood what we were doing or why, and didn’t think to ask questions. Dad did all the leg work and put us on the fish, I just threw at 'em and reeled 'em in.

Today, Captain Devin's Inshore Fishing 101 helped me learn all the things my dad knew to make those fishing trips happen. I'm able to plan good fishing trips to find 'em and catch 'em.

This is much easier due to Devin's ability to "dumb things down" and make fishing concepts easily understandable.

Now 18 years later we are getting a new boat and getting back on the water. Looking forward to showing Dad what I have learned!

Jeffrey Stewart

Works Anywhere Specks & Reds Swim!

The knowledge, tactics and techniques that Captain Devin teaches in his courses will work anywhere on Louisiana's coast.

I fish Vermilion Bay and Big Lake and what he teaches has proven effective for me and my kids!

Jason Blanchard

Love The Humor & Wit

I have been fishing 45 years and haven't had much success. I would have quit a long time ago if not for my wife's and dad's love for it.

I very much enjoyed going through Inshore Fishing 101, love Devin's humor and wit, and learned a lot that I did not know.


James Creel

No more getting skunked!

I've been fishing Lake Pontchartrain since I was a kid and learned a lot inside Inshore Fishing 101.

What stuck out the most to me was presenting baits to fish. I got skunked many times until I learned how to do it the right way. 

I love to laugh, so the humor you put in the videos was awesome. 

It took about two weeks for me to complete Inshore Fishing 101. I've already applied things you taught me and have increased my catch.

Thank you, Captain Devin!

Matthew Tamburello

Captain Devin

About the Author

Devin is a former fishing guide and lifelong inshore angler. He founded Louisiana Fishing Blog in 2012 to share his ideas as a charter captain and still writes in it today. Since then he's created a fishing university — LAFB Elite — where he teaches inshore anglers how to safely navigate Louisiana's coast and catch more fish.

  • My next homework assignment is to find some deep, slow or no flow areas! Great advice! I don’t get to Louisiana often to fish but put these lessons to use in Mississippi and Alabama. Great application in the gulf states! Thanks, Captain Devin!

  • In regard to deep holes, a friend and I fished Geohagen Canal after a cold front and found specks and reds in 30+ holes. Had lite water current from bayous feeding the bay. Fished later on warm front and fish were in 4-5’ of water. Early cold fronts are fishable due to fish feeding up for winter.

  • Keith, I appreciate you because you’re enrolled in Inshore Fishing 101 and have always been the guy to raise his hand and ask questions when no one else does.

    But I’m telling ya that you’re thinking into it too much! :)

    We’re not converting to any other kind of fishing.

    It’s the same thing it always has been: –> effectively fishing the entire water column <–

    Boom, that's it.

  • How would you use your lure in these conditions without moving current? I was thinking you might have to convert to lake bass fishing tactics and sort of jig it vertically?

  • We did try Lakeshore and didn’t catch anything there, but did mark a bunch of fish at 10-12 feet deep. We positioned on them, but they didn’t bite. They coulda been inactive.

  • Hey George, thanks for commenting.

    Are you sure those weren’t gar rolling on the surface? Could you see fish sitting on the bottom at all? (on your fishfinder)

  • Tried my luck at lakeshore estates today, but got skunked. I did see a couple of red fish jump which seemed very unusual given the freezing temperatures, so I definitely think your stillwater theory is accurate. They were there, just not wanting what I was offering.

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